Crosstables and Pivoting#

Data in pandas and tabular data in general can exist in two forms: long and wide format.

The long format#

In the long format, there is exactly one value column. All other information is moved into the index. In pandas this is in the form of a MultiIndex. As a result, you have a column with very many names.

One way to get closer to the long format is to use df.groupby():

df = sns.load_dataset("penguins")
del df["island"]
df2 = df.groupby(["id", "species", "sex"])

If all your columns have the same data type, you can use df.stack() to convert data intto the long format:

long = df2.stack()


df.melt() in the picture works quite similar to df.stack()

The wide format#

In the wide format, each variable has its own column. As a result you have multiple columns and fewer rows.

With df.unstack(n) you convert data from the long format.

wide = long.unstack(0)

The conversion between long and wide format helps you to bring data into the right format for merging, concatenation or plotting.


Before applying the transformations, make sure that your data is Tidy Data. Once your data is tidy, transformations from one format to the other will become simple.


Often, you do not need to stack all the columns. Many useful analyses group by two variables, followed by an aggregation and df.unstack():

pivot = df.groupby(["species", "sex"])["bill_length_mm"].mean().unstack()

The result is also called a Pivot table or Crosstable. They are often starting points for useful visualizations of the data.


Key Commands#




moves one column into the index


moves the index into a column


moves columns to hierarchical row index


converts a df from wide to long format


creates columns from hierarchical row index


converts a df from long to wide format


swaps rows and columns


rename values in the column or row index