Inspect DataFrames#

Check all Stations#


Before you can take off, you need to check whether your ship is in a good shape. The Data Starfleet inspection procedure is to check all stations of the ship, and see whether there is anything that requires your attention. The ships computer has prepared a tabular report already. All you need to do is to see what is in the table.

Load the report ship_inspection.csv into a DataFrame and check the following commands.

What is a DataFrame?#

The class pandas.DataFrame is the central data structure in pandas. In most aspects, you can think of it as a table with row and column labels, also called Index. Each column has the type pandas.Series.


Inspect a few rows#

You might want to see a few rows. In Jupyter, you can do that by typing the variable name in a cell. In a Python script, you could print(df). But you could use the more explicit methods head() and tail():

Can I call head() and tail() without a number?

Yes. The default number if you leave away the argument is 5.

Number of rows and columns#

The shape of a DataFrame is alway a tuple of two integers (rows, columns).

When do I need to check df.shape?

df.shape is your most important command when debugging. If the shape is not what you expect, everything is wrong.

Data Types#

When you load data from a CSV file, pandas automatically infers data types. Sometimes a single wrong value converts a numerical column to strings.

What does the type object mean?

The type object usually means that the column contains strings.

Generic Overview#

You can check data types, the number of entries for each column and memory size with a single command:

Unique Values#

With categorical columns, you might want to know, what are the most frequent values or what different values occur. This also helps you to identify some data errors.


If you are not interested in the count, check the unique values:




Inspect the report ship_inspection.csv. Solve the following tasks

  • display the number of rows and columns

  • display the last 5 rows

  • list the column names

  • how many life forms are there on the bridge?

  • how many stations does the ship have?

  • how many different security levels are there?

  • there is one life support value that is neither 0 or 100%. How much is it?